Face the unexpected
You had it all covered, fitness exercises were in place to build up your footballers efficiency, tactical session were shaping the team to your will, specific activities helped develop each footballers' skill and you even kept an eye (or two) on the night life of everyone.
You were confident in your team, you did everything in your power to start the season with a well-oiled football machine. But then, here comes the unexpected. A hard tackle during a friendly match, a strained ligament while shooting at goal, a mistake approaching an exercise... and, crack!, an injury occurs!
Well, things like these happen in football, even if you consider every possible variable on and off the pitch. You can try to lower the chances of your players getting injured, by checking their fitness levels and planning the trainings accordingly, but some things are just out of your control. Can you make a difference when, unfortunately, something bad happens? Sure!
The team's training ground is full of different venues, as you already know, you will have the potential to cure any injury that might occur to your footballers. As soon as something bad happens, you will be warned and you can study the situation. Then, thanks to the clinic, get your best striker, creative midfielder or tough central defender back in the game.
Recovering from an injury can be difficult, of course, and you won't have a magic wand to solve the problems immediately. So, while you are following the treatment of your injured players, reconsider your line-up, the teams' attitude or maybe even the overall tactical approach. Especially if your injured player was a decisive player in the teams strategy against the upcoming opponents.
Remember the clinic is there to get your footballers back on the pitch, but consider reorganising the team and make sure one, or more, injuries have the smallest impact possible on your performance. That's because a simple accident can't be an obstacle in your path to glory!